Monday, December 20, 2010

A New Addition to the Verrazzano Family

A New Addition
Shadow Verrazzano
born 12/19/2010 at 10:07am
at Fotoscope Island

   Throughout my life, I have always had pets.  So naturally having pets in Second Life was going to happen.  My SL Pet family started with Bunnies.  I adopted Fred, then shortly adopted Wilma.  Later,  Wrigley was added to the family..although she doesn't live with me anymore (she is Pat's)...My love for her is still great.  Additionally, Domo was added into the bunch.  Domo belongs to my good friend, Elana Hyun,  but resides with the other bunnies.

   So, now....Scarlotland has a new addition.   Shadow was given to me via a Plurk friend, Dakota Buck.  She was birthed at Fotoscope Island, while visiting my guy, Korgi.  She is a lovely gray color, thus the reason I named her Shadow.  She meows sooo cute!!  Shadow is also the name of my very first cat in RL.  Shadow was a very special cat to me, just like I know this one will be.

   Korgi and I went shopping right away to purchase food, and a bed for Shadow.  She has what she needs now to be comfortable in her new home.  I brought her home to Scarlotland, where she can bond with the bunnies.  Now...we are one BIG family!! :)

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